Gold & Silver

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Why Investing in Gold and Silver is Key to Protecting Your Wealth

Gold and silver have been used as currencies for thousands of years.  Around 1500 B.C. the Egyptians began producing their gold-bearing shekel.  About 700 years later silver coins started showing up as currency as well.  Today gold and silver are still used as currency, but not in the way they were prior to 1933 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 on April 5, 1933, forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, bullion or certificates within the continental US.  This basically made private gold ownership illegal during this time period with a $10,000 fine or 10 years in prison.  President Gerald Ford repealed this law in 1973 but by then the US had already been taken off the gold standard. 
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Now that the US dollar is no longer backed by gold, it continues to be printed we no checks and balances and this causes inflation to increase and the value of the US dollar to weaken.  Now we enter the real reason to own gold & silver.  This is called Wealth Protection.  As the US dollar weakens, gold & silver strengthen and become more valuable.  Having 10% to 20% of your investable assets in gold & silver helps to preserve the wealth you have spent a lifetime building. 

Gold price Oct 2nd 2024

Goes over Gold price today on Oct 2, 2024 and explains why you need gold and silver in portfolio to protect purchasing power and protect your wealth.

How GFS Planning Can Help

We are a Wholesaler of Pre-1933 gold & silver coins.  These coins were actually used as currency prior to 1933 and now they are used to build and protect your wealth.

Since we are wholesalers, you will not pay 30% or 40% premiums, we offer purchases at 8% premium.

Click to learn more about how we help you protect your wealth with Gold & Silver.
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